In Conversation: Podcast explores contributions to prevalent discourses in Kazakhstan

In Conversation: Podcast explores contributions to prevalent discourses in Kazakhstan

Members of Kazakhstan’s Bahá’í Office of Public Affairs discuss how collective exploration of spiritual principles over the years is fostering societal harmony.

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BAHÁ’Í WORLD CENTRE — In the latest podcast episode of the Bahá’í World News Service, Lyazzat Yangaliyeva and Timur Chekparbayev, members of Kazakhstan’s Bahá’í Office of Public Affairs, shared insights from their participation in some of the prevalent discourses in their country over the years, particularly those related to societal harmony.

Mrs. Yangaliyeva and Mr. Chekparbayev reflected on how these insights reveal a growing recognition by social actors of the spiritual nature of social transformation, a recognition which the Office has fostered through forums in which profound questions about society’s future have been explored collectively.

In these forums, participants are learning to explore issues in light of spiritual principles such as consultation, the equality of women and men, and unity in diversity, creating conditions where government officials, members of civil society organizations, and leaders of faith communities can discover shared aspirations for their society and build collective understanding.

“What I think helped… is the realization that we are all one—that it is not us and them,” explained Mrs. Yangaliyeva. “It is our government. It is our society we live in. It is our organizations. It is our fellow citizens. And how can we all collaborate or unite in our efforts?”

The podcast explores how the various discussion spaces on societal harmony have enabled participants to examine deeper questions about the nature of relationships.

Mr. Chekparbayev highlighted a metaphor from the Bahá’í teachings that compares society to the human body, where diverse parts must work together for the wellbeing of the whole. He explained how this physical analogy points to deeper spiritual truths, “Although the body belongs to the material aspect of reality, it creates something metaphysical—human consciousness.”

Through its engagement with diverse segments of society, the Office has examined various dimensions of societal harmony. These conversations have explored the role of media in fostering cohesion, the transformative power of the arts, and the equality of women and men.

Mrs. Yangaliyeva noted that creating spaces for genuine consultation has been essential to this process. “The creation of an environment where everyone feels equal and can reflect on something which is really important to us all… opens up new perspectives and makes us closer to each other,” she says.

The podcast episode is part of the “In Conversation” series that explores experiences from Bahá’í efforts worldwide to contribute to social progress, from the grassroots to the international level.

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